Charles de Ledesma | Songlines

Charles de Ledesma

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Charles was a contributor to the Rough Guides to World Music, and has written widely, recently publishing The Psytrance Party.

Articles by Charles de Ledesma

8/31/2021 12:00:00 AM

Calypso Albums | The Essential 10

Calypso has its roots in canboulay music brought to the Caribbean by African slaves, but the style is constantly being revitalised and reinterpreted. Charles de Ledesma traces its history and chooses his top ten albums

10/11/2018 12:00:00 AM

Windrush Generation Albums – The Essential 10

Over the decades, countless albums have demonstrated the indelible contribution the Windrush generation has made to popular music. Charles de Ledesma selects ten that sum up this dramatic period of history

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