Review | Songlines

Congo Funk! Sound Madness from the Shores of the Mighty Congo River (Kinshasa/Brazzaville 1969-1982)

Rating: ★★★★

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Analog Africa


A simplified history of music during the period dubbed L’Authenticité in the Congo shows a period of heavily state-funded and sanctioned music production, aimed to homogenise the cultural identity of the nation, at that time called Zaire, and centre it around President Mobutu Sese Seko’s own ideas of what that should look and sound like in its post-colonial era.

This was a period which birthed some titans of Congolese rumba, soukous and son, many of which feature on this extended record: Tabu Ley, Franco and more. So, synthesising a coherent and unique compilation from this period, arguably one of the most prolific moments of musical creation in the region’s history, was not going to be an easy task.

Congo Funk! is a tour de force of ineffably enticing grooves, jubilant brass melodies and open harmonies that are typical of this music. It also balances the raw and energetic with the luscious and refined sides of rumba from that period – such as in the transition from ‘Kiwita Kumunani’ by Orchestre O.K. Jazz into G.O. Malebo’s ‘Fiancée Laya’. The distorted lead guitar from Orchestre’s leader, Franco, in tandem with his growling voice stands stark when compared to the soft lullabies of G.O. Malebo as they commence ‘Fiancée Laya’. It always surprises and always pleases.

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