Since their eponymous debut in 2017, French electric jazz quartet Peemaï, from Montpellier, have rearranged Asian traditional tunes, following bassist...
Reviewed in issue September/2024
Reba Jicun’s debut album is a stunning blend of traditional Tibetan opera, rock, metal and Buddhist chanting. Jicun’s musical journey...
Reviewed in issue September/2024
Zhungdra music, according to Kuensel, Bhutan’s national newspaper, ‘was first performed [in Bhutan] in the 17th century to commemorate the...
Reviewed in issue September/2024
Breathing Raga is heaven, a full dhrupad performance of raag Bhairav, from alap to bandish (composition). The singer here is...
Reviewed in issue September/2024
The Paradise Bangkok Molam International Band
Paradise Bangkok Molam International Band (PBMIB) has released its first studio album since 2016’s successful Planet Lam. The new album...
Reviewed in issue August/2024
Award-winning composer, producer and performer Kuljit Bhamra pays tribute to the music of his childhood, that is, Indian film music...
Reviewed in issue August/2024
The Rohingya people are among the most persecuted on the planet. In 1982, they were driven from their ancestral homes...
Reviewed in issue July/2024
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