Review | Songlines

Once in a Blue Moon

Top of the World

Rating: ★★★★

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Luciano Biondini & Klaus Falschlunger




There’s such a tremendous energy, vibrancy and immediacy in this new global fusion album, Once in a Blue Moon. Austrian sitar player Klaus Falschlunger and Italian accordion player Luciano Biondini have joined forces in this glorious fusion of musical influences to create a wonderfully colourful, warm and immersive album. The opening track, boldly titled ‘Incredible World’, opens with a catchy riff, then a searching harmonic line expanding into an energising explosion of spoken vocalisations; it’s a promising start. Later tracks are a quieter affair, namely ‘Strangers in Paradise’ or the title-track, but don’t mistake these as less engaging – there are some searingly beautiful melodic moments. Intense and introspective, the beginning of ‘Strangers in Paradise’ provides a stunning example of the close musical interplay. Jazz, pop, Hindustani classical traditions, even minimalism, play their part in this eclectic mix of influences in an often energetic display of skilful, fluid playing. Penultimate track ‘Powerplay’ stands out – catchy rhythms, a wonderful build up of tension half way through with jazz-inspired interplay that is not over busy or flashy. An album of two musicians in their musical prime. Inventive, intriguing and wonderful.

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